
h e a l t h y l i v i n g

[ w o r k i n g  o u t  p a y s  o f f ! ] - - - - - - <3

 Even though I'm a vegetarian (and eat healthier then most people my age) I still find myself feeling sluggish and unhealthy. I felt like because I keep junk food/fast food completely out of my diet (I'll the occasional slice of pizza when I'm drinking.), I stand all day and work with my hands, and walk every where that I was doing enough to keep myself in shape. But that sometimes is not enough. I wasn't happy with how I was looking and would sometimes obsess over it. I know I am not fat, but it is still possible to even look sloppy when you have less fat, it just looks more appealing to be in shape. So I decided to stop obsessing over how I look in the mirror and start doing something about it. I decided to keep myself on a regulated diet (which I will post for you further into this post), I excerise every day, and for energy and extra things I'm lacking as a vegetarian I've decided to take several different types of vitamins. I've been doing thIis since November and I can believe how awesome I feel. I haven't even lost weight, I keep a steady weight of 125 lbs and just build muscle mass. Now I'm no personal trainer, and I'm not suggesting this is the best route for every one. But as a busy girl who wants to stay healthy I thought I'd share what works for me :3

I'm 25 and I find that my body has been feeling more and more squishy over the years. I can't just eat poutine every day and keep a steady weight of 98 lbs like I could when I was 19I have to eat healthier and make sure I get an efficient amount of exercise in a day. I put it off for a long time because I was lazy, or I really didn't think it would make a difference, or that it would take too long to even notice a difference. I made up a million excuses. But then I just got tired of feeling like shit. So I started doing simple repeatitive work out routines every day. 

I do a super intensive work out. I just do several simple work outs over and over again. I mostly like to focus on my abs and my thighs. These are just small routines I have discovered by reading articles on the internet. I started out doing them only a few times each day until I was more comfortable doing them 20 + times a day. :3 Doesn't take long! My rountine usually is only 30 mins a days! It's only been a few months and I've seen a big difference. I started noticing a difference in my stomach within the first few weeks. 

Hard work pays off! I'm already starting to see that sexy gap between my legs. Can't be more happier to actually see results! Goodbye thighs! 

The vitamins I take daily also give me energy and make up for some things I am lacking. Folic Acid honestly makes your hair and nails grow faster. I used to never cut my nails, now I have to or I stab people in the head when I'm washing their hair. Vitamin D gives me a sick boost of energy at the beginning of the day so it gets my lazy ass out of bed and off to work. B12 helps build red blood cells, it makes you heal faster and strengthens your immune system. Iron is good for vegetarians/vegans because we are not getting an efficient amount of iron intake due to zero meat consumption. Especially important for women since we tend to bleed profusely from the vagina once a month and lose all our iron. Hooray! 

I try to choose foods that will make me feel full without eating alot. I find eating soup is a great way to stay heathy, a good source of different food groups, is warm in the winter, and makes you feel full. I've been eating soup for at least one of my meals each day for months now and I've been feeling really good about it. There are so many different kinds of soup out there that it keeps it interesting. This is a simple meal I make for lunch that is fast, easy, cheap, and tastes great. The best part is you don't have to deal with the shit smugglers that work at MacDonald's!     

 Stay healthy <3


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